
Batting .500

Five Hundred is a great batting average, but not so great when it’s the average for State Department of Community Affairs (DCA)approval this week of the City’s candidates for senior offices under the Mack Administration.

The DCA granted approval to two nominees this week:  Sam Hutchinson as Business Administrator and Marc McKithen as Director of the Law Department. Both of those nominees now need confirmation by City Council, by no means certain.

However, DCA rejected another two nominees: Nicole Sharpe as the city’s Finance Director (for “insufficient experience”) and Caroline Clark as the City’s Chief Municipal Judge. Ms. Clark had already been confirmed by City Council.

In the Times article today, the DCA spokesperson, Lisa Ryan, sent a clear message to the City about the quality of the appointments they are seeing sent their way for approval: “The division is not trying to micromanage the selection of personnel, but rather wants to ensure that people have basic qualifications.

Ouch! I know nothing about Ms. Sharpe nor Ms. Clark, and am sure they are fine persons and accomplished in their fields. But if they do not have the “basic qualifications” for the positions to which they have been nominated, why waste DCA’s time, City Council’s time, and our time? Of this Administration’s many faults, its recruitment efforts for appointed positions – OK, its entire Human Resources effort work – is probably its worst, as the many failed appointments, musical chairs in the BA’s office, and left-footed exit interviews attest.

I know that Trenton is a tough draw for senior personnel. But, honestly, the unemployment rate is around 10%, and governments all over the state of New Jersey are laying off qualified, talented, and experienced professionals. They must surely be looking for work. Why, for the love of Pete, can’t we land some of them?

The answer is obvious. Because Tony Mack doesn’t know them. Tony Mack didn’t go to school with them. Tony Mack  hasn’t received campaign contributions from them. Tony Mack  is not friends with them.

Those types of connections haven’t been working out too well, have they? Carleton Badger, Renee Lamarre Sumners, Dan Toto, Caroline Clark, Nicole Sharpe, Andrew McCrosson. Sadly, I could go on.

This Administration needs to set that kind of recruiting aside, and seek not only those with “basic” qualifications, but those with some genuine talent. Council will confirm them. DCA will approve them.

They are out there. Let’s hire them.

4 comments to Batting .500

  • John

    First these other people need to apply .Have they ?
    Second is everyones past a predictor of their future ?
    Third if you know someone you can’t hire them ? And if you God forbid help with their campaign your cast off ?
    Mr Badger in particular has received a raw deal in the press.NO One ever mentioned the hundreds of people he has helped manage buy, sell and finance real estate in Trenton for the last 20 years.If you think thats not the kind of talent Trenton needs you would probably say Mr Trump was bad for N.Y.

  • Kevin

    I think the fact that no one mentioned the number of individuals he helped in his real estate business because, frankly, it wasn’t relevant. The skills required of a real estate agent, or even broker, are different than those required of a Director of Housing and Economic Development. The State DCA has been rejected a number of nominees lately, because they lack “basic qualifications” for the positions to which they’d been nominated.

    I don’t think the mayor demonstrated those basic qualifications for Mr. Badger. Plus, his criminal background honestly did not recommend him to a position that, among its other responsibilities, is charged with attracting investment and development to the City of Trenton.

    I don’t recall Mr. Trump being convicted of forgery. Was he?

  • John

    Kevin ,not relevant ? I don’t have a Harvard education but let me see … housing is to real estate as finance is to economics , or maybe Housing Director needs to know what is and is not needed and how to accomplish that,But a realtor in town for 20 yrs would not? And the Director of Economic Dev.would not need to know how to attract new opportunities or where to look for or how to help businesses find financing if he was a real estate and mortgage broker. I think the fact that The State DCA never got a chance to accept or reject Mr Badger should be looked at . Oh and forgery you obviously never had a partner that spent 80 hours a week on golf and 4 hours a week on work

  • Kevin

    John – We disagree on his basic qualifications. The question is rather moot at this point, since the nomination was voluntarily withdrawn by the Mayor before Council heard the nomination.

    Also, DCA approval of nominations has only been required since December 13, when the Memorandum of Understanding with the State for the Transitional Aid award was signed. Prior to that, DCA had no role whatsoever in vetting nominations or hires.