
“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is”


Those are the words of an unnamed Trenton Police Officer, as quoted in an online bulletin on

Two Trenton officers were shot this morning, and those officers in turn shot and killed their attacker. Both officers were taken to hospital and underwent surgery. Late news reports quote Police Director Ralph Rivera as stating that Officer Jim Letts was out of surgery. Officer Edgar Rios, wounded more seriously in the back, was still in the operating room.

I wish the best for these two officers and their families, and a most speedy and full recovery. God Bless them. Best wishes as well to the victim of the domestic violence incident allegedly perpetrated by the dead shooter, the incident to which the two officers were responding to earlier this morning.

So, now the guns are being turned on our police officers. Along with last week’s two murder victims, who press reports suggest were ordinary citizens unconnected with any organized criminal groups or gangs, Trenton is turning a very dangerous corner.The death toll by violence in New Jersey’s Capital City is now 30.

“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is.”

We need more help, Director Rivera! Since the epidemic of murder that broke out earlier this month that left a staggering six souls dead on the streets in less than a week, not one major action has been taken to attempt to counter this surge. If you can’t do anything, then for the love of God, Go!

“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is.”

We need more help, Mr. Mack! You are incapable of being any part of any solution, on this or any other matter of concern to Trenton’s people. Just get out of the way, please!

“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is.”

We need more help, Council members! If Mr. Mack and Mr. Rivera won’t leave, fire their ass, or zero out their pay. How much more carnage will you accept before you finally take action?

“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is.”

We need more help, Senator Sweeney! I know you and your colleagues in the Legislature don’t want anything to do with Trenton until Mack is gone, but how many more deaths will it take for you to change your mind? If you can’t recognize that the people of Trenton need help – now! – then you have no business calling yourself a “public servant.”

“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is.”

We need more help, Governor Christie! I know you don’t want anything to do with our indicted pretender, but people are dying in Trenton. The few police we have are in harm’s way every day, and are ending up in the ER. You say you are having “conversations” with your Acting Attorney General. You need to take immediate and effective action, both as short-term measures to deal with this crisis, and long-term actions to shore up a critically under-manned police department, as well as long-term solutions to Trenton.

Trenton is a failed city, but one in which 85,000 New Jerseyans still live. You have no problem spending $24 Million for special elections, but you can’t spend some money saving the lives of citizens and cops?

How many more dead citizens and shot cops will it take to overcome your distaste for Tony Mack, and to take some action to protect and serve the 85,000 souls in this town?

If you can’t take responsibility for us, if you can’t take ownership for your share of this situation, you should leave!

“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is.”

This is not a situation that can be turned around overnight, even should we immediately see dozens more law enforcement officers on the street tomorrow. Criminals have gotten too brazen and too reckless to be deterred by what passes for law enforcement in Trenton right now. The Thin Blue Line is almost invisible right now, and it will take a long time to build that back, let alone tackle all the several other problems that this City will need to face in order to become a safe city once more.

But we need to start. Somewhere. With Something. Now. We need to turn things around. We won’t survive like this.

“If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is.”


As I was writing this piece, this announcement was made. Let’s see what the Acting AG has to say; I hope this is a serious effort.

However, unless this initiative is the beginning of a major, sustained commitment to the City of Trenton, it will not likely count for much. Stay tuned.

4 comments to “If this isn’t proof that we need more help, then I don’t know what is”

  • Moe

    First and foremost, before money or manpower, a leader is needed. Actually, two leaders are needed. One elected, one appointed. The joke about the non-plan is getting old and look where it has led. Misfeasance is being accepted AND endorsed by the Council, Gov, Legislature and yes, even the DCA.

  • Robert Chilson

    This would have happened if we had 1,000 police officers on the street, it would have happened no matter what. It was a domestic disturbance and the officers were serving an arrest warrant it would have happened no matter what…….except of course if the dead shooter had no access to a gun.

  • Kevin

    Bobby, would this particular incident have been prevented with more cops on the street? I can’t say that. No one can.

    But my point above is that, taken along with the six killings within a week earlier this month, with the 30 dead to date, and who knows how many other shootings, assaults, robberies – reported and unreported – it is clear that things in this town have crossed a red line. It is real dangerous out there. The bad guys do not seem to be deterred by law enforcement at all, and that’s fucking scary.

    Moe, agreed. I didn’t point out the DCA, because they can’t (as far as I know) take any policy actions independent of what the Governor and the Legislature instructs them. That being said, they have had a direct input in the recruiting and hiring of much of the senior management of the city, such as Mr. Rivera, and I agree they should be accountable for fixing that. I agree.

    But most of my finger-pointing is directed at our elected (and appointed) officials on both ends of State Street.

  • ed w

    why does “Trenton” even need to justify its needs, the current state of Trenton is the result of State and National policies since WW2, if even one killing occurred in any wealthy suburban town, the citizens would demand action and they would get action, but not in Trenton.

    our “Leaders” have to put on shows of action as if they were Actors in a bad play, they know their will be NO help coming, either by design or intention, but their show must go on.

    After our next series of elections the show will end and the body count will continue, the shark tornado will turn into a guppie tornado, and the funnel will emanate from our leaders hindparts, the only part trenton can count on.
