
Would You Like Some Syrup With That Crow, Ms. McBride?

The last time Trenton got this kind of widespread attention, it was The Great Toilet Paper Shortage, a little over a year ago. That time, the story went international, being picked up by no less than the BBC.

So far, Auntie Beeb hasn’t picked up on our latest outbreak of “Foot-in-Mouth Disease,” which unlike that Other malady, is pretty widespread, at least in City Hall. This time, Trenton has been in the news in Denver, California’s Central Valley (Oroville AND Chico), as well as NYC. After the story appeared in the NY Daily News, a number of people in the office have asked me, “Hey, Kev, you live in Trenton, right? Do you know anything about this?”

Of course I say, “Yes,” after a long sigh that my colleagues have no idea how to interpret.

I told myself that, other than a few Facebook comments and observations, I wasn’t going to say anything in this space about the matter. OK, I thought, the Councilwoman has really stepped in deep this time. She’s embarrassed herself, her colleagues on Council, and the City of Trenton. That’s plenty for one night’s work. Let it go.

But, after reading quotes given to the Daily News by At Large Councilwoman Kathy McBride as well as her spokesperson Dan Toto, in which both persons defended the Councilwoman’s statements at Tuesday night’s Council meeting, I just have to respond.

Ms. McBride thinks she was just doing her job, and doing it properly. She told the Daily News, “I was just simply inquiring in reference to one of my constituents. “He said it was a serious matter.”

Mr. Toto, quoted in the article as a spokesperson for the Councilwoman and who would likely work on her mayoral campaign should that rumored effort go forward, doubled down on Ms. McBride’s seriousness and dedication. “At the end of the day she has a really good sense of humor like the next person. It was presented seriously, she just conveyed a question at the council meeting, and that’s it… Kathy is a very serious person, she doesn’t take things lightly. She always advocates for people and she brings serious issues to the forefront.”

I have to call Bullshit here. Whatever Ms. McBride’s intentions were, they most certainly did not include a sincere effort to bring a serious issue to the forefront. There is a proper, legitimate way to do that in a City Council session, and she did not follow that way.

She brought up in open Council session what she perceived as a Public Health issue without any prior announcement or consultation with her colleagues or the Administration. She did this in precisely the same way that she tried to outlaw when she was Council President.

If you will remember, back in August of 2011 while serving as President, she unilaterally attempted to muzzle the ability of her fellow members to speak with or to city Department Directors or the Business Administrator. In the words of then-Business-Administrator-Du-Jour Eric Berry, “(A)ll employees are directed to politely ask that Council member or members to make their request through the procedure established by Council President (Kathy) McBride.” [My emphasis.] That procedure being to clear any requests for information through the Council President who, of course, was Ms. McBride.

This “procedure” was quashed pretty quickly, once word got out to the other members of Council, as well as to the public. So for someone who was all about going through channels and observing protocol – when she was in charge, that is – going rogue with an unvetted and unprepared question, is pretty darned ironic, I think. And the fact that she got so badly burned by the attempt is just icing on the cake.

So, how should she have proceeded? Well, if she was really concerned that what she wanted to do was call attention to a serious public health matter, she should have first contacted James Brownlee, the city’s Health Officer and Director of Health and Human Services, and said something like this:

“Good Morning, Director Brownlee, Kathy McBride here. I received a call from a constituent that expressed a concern that we may have the makings of a public health crisis developing in the city. I think this is an important issue that has gotten no attention or press up until now. I would like to shed some light on this at this evening’s Council session.

I would like to ask you or a colleague about the matter in open session. Now I have never heard of this before today, and don’t know anything about it. I am reaching out to you now so that you can prepare a response to my question. It’s an important matter, and I don’t want to sandbag you this evening without warning you. If this is anywhere as serious as my constituent suggests, it’s too important to go into Council with inadequate or wrong information. That’s why I am giving you this heads-up now.

I have spoken with Council President, and even though it does not appear on the Agenda, she has agreed to let me raise the issue.

As I said, I know nothing about this. What can you tell me, Director?”

You know, had Ms. McBride made such a call beforehand, she would have saved herself – and the City of Trenton – a lot of grief.

But she didn’t. She acted on her own like a person out to win some headlines for herself, taking the lead among her colleagues to stake out an important issue for herself. If she also managed to embarrass the Business Administrator and the Administration by catching them unprepared to address a serious public health matter, so much the better in making her look good.

If over the last few days, Kathy McBride and Dan Toto had just laughed, admitted they were pranked and said “Oops” to the press, I’d have been willing to let it go. But in their efforts to make it look like what she said was not only OK, but marked her as a Serious Public Servant, they go too far.

McBride wanted to grab the spotlight for herself and exclude her colleagues, which was bad enough.

But if she really thought she was on to a serious health problem with the potential as she said the other night to be a disease breaking out faster than AIDS, then she what she did was no less than a cynical attempt to make political gains for herself on the  coattails of an epidemic. And that is despicable.

Yes, this was embarrassing and funny in a dark way. But the lesson we should take away from this is that Kathy McBride is out to promote Kathy McBride. As one of seven council members, she represents Kathy McBride. If she is Council President, she wants everything her colleagues do to funnel through the President. When she is not, she acts on her own without even the courtesy of advance notice.

And she is thinking about running for Mayor?

She doesn’t have a chance. For one thing, she no longer can be taken Seriously.

But if she does choose to run, here’s a campaign theme song!

6 comments to Would You Like Some Syrup With That Crow, Ms. McBride?

  • She is a legend in her own mind.

  • patricia stewart

    Unfortunately, Councilwoman McBride has shown arrogance since she first entered the political arena. Normally, council is seated alphabetically (or has been since I started attend). Has anyone noticed that they are not alphabetical on the right side? That’s because Ms. McBride refuses to sit next to Phyllis Holly-Ward. I admire the patience of Ms. Holly-Ward because I would have said, “You sit here or on the floor.” She cannot or will not grasp that she made a fool of herself.

  • Kevin

    Pat, I had not noticed that! How petty is that!

  • Geoff

    Kathy McBride is a fucking idiot and a disgrace to Trenton City Council. Dan Toto, if you want what is left of your reputation to stay intact, run as fast as you can from this poor excuse for a council person, and an even worse human being.

  • ed w

    why cant we get a election when we really need one?

    keep up the good work.

    peace ed