
Not One Cut?

I’ve been waiting for the last several days to hear if anyone else would take notice of this. Sadly, no one else has. So, here I go.

In his State of the City Address on Monday, Mayor Mack announced,

I am proud to announce that last week we eliminated that budget deficit completely, and we were able to do this without cutting one service to residents of Trenton.

He, and all of us, seem to be operating with a very short memory. This process started in July, went forward despite a grand Mayoral “Plan” announced in August, which promptly went nowhere.

Mr. Mack, it is indeed an accomplishment that this year’s budget seems to have been balanced without as many cuts in services as once seem inevitable. As we begin to think about next year’s budget, we may not be so fortunate going forward.

But please, don’t tell us that your Administration succeeded this year without one service cut! Some of us still feel this one loss greatly.

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