
Questions for Tonight's Candidate Forum

There is a Candidate Forum this evening at 7PM, at Covenant Presbyterian Church (corner of Parkside and Parkway) for both the remaining West Ward Candidates and the At-large Candidates. I have several questions for all the candidates; I hope that some of these get asked, and I hope even more that the candidates will have some clear, non-evasive answers.

  • We’ve seen in the last few weeks how hard the 59-cent tax increase has hit homeowners. If the State’s proposed budget cuts are not restored, next year’s budget will require an approximate $2.20 increase without considering any offsetting expense reductions. What do you propose to reduce that kind of increase?
  • How will you vote on the Water Sale referendum? Please explain your position.
  • About 72% of registered voters failed to vote on May 11. Of those voters who did show up, on average they only voted for 2 candidates for At-Large rather than the 3 they were entitled to. Turnout for the runoff is expected to be as light, if not lighter. What does this say to you about the campaign this year, and what kind of mandate will this give you if you are elected on June 15?
  • For the West Ward Candidates: how will you work as a Council member to ensure that the Mercer Campus of Capital Health System is converted to productive, taxpaying use as quickly as possible after CHS closes its hospital? Before a sale, CHS will still own the site, and be responsible for its upkeep. How will you ensure CHS honors its obligations to the neighborhood and the Ward?
  • For the At-Large candidates:  one of the Ward candidates believes that, on issues where he may not be able to participate in Council debate or cast Council votes, West Ward residents will still be represented by the three At-Large members. Do you agree? What kinds of issues will you personally not be able to vote on while you are on Council? Are there any kinds of conflict-of-interest attached to your candidacy that voters should know about?

I think those are plenty for now. Please feel free to include your own!

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