After all this is over, someone is going to win some big-time writing prizes about their articles covering Trenton’s mess. The City’s mayor for the last eighteen months, Tony F. Mack, and his Administration, continue to provide inspiration to reporters and columnists statewide for some pretty good writing. All of these follies and their resulting hilarity and misery makes some awfully powerful material. Which may be good for those working in the media, but not so good for those 84,000 souls in the City of Trenton who have to live with these unending disasters, day in and day out.
I will make this brief, since there is only a small window this morning that people will be interested in thinking about these things before the Giants game this afternoon (I hope the Giants win, if only to see them head out to San Francisco next week for what will surely be a great game against my hometown lads, the 49ers/).
Be sure to look at two new pieces today:
An Editorial in this morning’s Trenton Times that wonderfully connects this quote to our fair besieged town: “There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone.”
And Kevin Manahan writes today in the Star-Ledger a terrific summary of life in the Capital City over the last 18 months, intended to introduce the good citizens of the rest of this State to what’s been going on here. Since all the state’s taxpayers subsidize the city and its school system quite substantially, they may be interested in knowing more about our recent foibles. For those of us who live through all these events, it may be bracing to read and realize that all of this – and much, much more – have all taken place over only one and one half years.
And it ain’t over yet.
Go, Giants (At least, until next week)!