Trenton Mayor Tony F. Mack®, responding to the report that the “Overall crime in Trenton was up 12 percent in the first seven months of 2012”:
Trenton Police Director Ralph Rivera, speaking on the same subject:
.” [Emphasis mine. -KM]
And finally, City Business Administrator Sam Hutchinson, adding his perspective:
According to Alex Zdan’s story in today’s Trenton Times, “Police Director Ralph Rivera Jr. declined comment through a spokesman, as did business administrator Sam Hutchinson. Mayor Tony Mack did not respond to requests for comment.”
This is what passes for Leadership in New Jersey’s capital city! This is our senior officials Taking Responsibility and demonstrating Accountability !
Pathetic. I’ve gotten used to Mayor Mack “not respond[ing] to requests for comment.” In his position nowadays, I’d probably decline to respond to a request for my name. But Director Rivera and BA Hutchinson actually “declined comment!”
They refused to comment on the report that “The incidence of robberies with knives or cutting instruments climbed 32 percent.”
They refused to comment on the report that “strong-arm robberies soared 60 percent.”
They refused to comment on the report of a “25 percent increase in burglaries, which includes a 14 percent upswing in burglaries with forcible entry.”
But even though the overall crime rate in Trenton went up by 12 percent, the statistics are not all gloomy. Violent crimes held steady or went down: “The number of homicides remained flat year to year. There were nine between Jan. 1 and July 31 in 2011, and nine in the first seven months of 2012. Reported rapes decreased 20 percent from 15 to 12, and larceny and theft decreased 15 percent.”
This is a bad report, but mixed. Why should some crimes spike, and others fall so dramatically? Are there lessons here for a worried and anxious populace?We won’t find out from Mr. Rivera or Mr. Hutchinson. They refuse to comment!
Perhaps they wonder why they should go out on a limb to go on the record about the abysmal public safety situation in this town, when their boss is MIA.
Perhaps they realize that this is the inevitable result of gutting the Police Department by 1/3 last year, and this is, as we have been taught by the Administration, “the new normal,” and the two men are personally and professionally embarrassed to explain this.
Perhaps they feel powerless in this turn of events, and prefer to stay bunkered in their departments.
I don’t know. They refuse to comment!
This is unacceptable behavior from our elected mayor, and his appointed senior officials. They are our public servants, and are accountable and responsible to us. There is a public safety emergency in Trenton, and they had damned well better not only Comment on the matter, but tell us what they intend to do about it. And don’t wave that phony “Comprehensive Crime Initiative” at us! That was window dressing of the first order, intended to distract us with the appearance of action in its absence.
To Mr. Mack, Mr. Rivera, and Mr. Hutchinson, I say, “Man Up, Speak Up, and Show Some Responsibility!”
I still maintain that the overall percentage increase is MUCH higher. The largest subset, Thefts (Larceny) are being under reported due to manpower decreases. Time no longer exists for reports to be taken for most petty thefts, so there is a large decrease in the largest subset. This is how Santiago drove crime rates down, he aggressively addressed the thefts, either by sleight-of-pencil or through other means.
In support of my position I offer the following… Auto Thefts have increased 60% (SIXTY PERCENT!). So why have MV Thefts increased so much while the regular thefts have dropped? Simple, they have not. ALL auto thefts MUST be reported because the autos have to be entered into the National Crime Information Computer (NCIC). Before an auto can be entered into the system a police report MUST be completed. There is the reason why one type of theft has a HUGE increase while the other has a huge decrease.
Imagine the overall crime rate increase if there was enough manpower to write the theft reports! Crime stats are taken from reports written.
*Disclaminer: My information comes from discussions with people who know what is happening in the TPD and does not represent the opinion of the Police Director or the City of Trenton.
I wonder where the city might be if we didn’t have the helping hand that we get from the Mercer County Sheriffs office. I no longer walk any where in the city, it is just way too dangerous.I wonder that if my home alarm goes off will the police respond, or will they be too busy responding to a murder or other violent crime. I have lived in the East Ward since 1974 but I am considering moving because I no longer feel safe.
In light of these non-comments and thinking broader about how the reputation of the city is hurting all of us – I thought it would be valuable to share my experience on getting a decent contractor to fix my fence. Last week a drunk, unlicensed, likely illegal immigrant drove someone’s car (not her own) through my fence, blowing out a post and smashing most of it down. I’ve been seeking licensed contractors with at least a decent reputation for estimates – no surprise, I’m forced to call outside the city. However, when I do, what have I heard on numerous occasions?, “I’m sorry sir, we don’t do Trenton.”
And that’s it – just as simple as that. Businesses around this area have simply put up signs that say – “No Business for Trenton”. And what do our leaders have to say about the chilling effect this is having on the city… nothing. Not a damn thing.