This morning, the front page of the Times features an article by Matt Fair about a draft ordinance introduced to City Council that would reorganize the Trenton Water Works and Sewer Utility into a separate city Department.The ordinance would also reorganize the Inspections Department into Housing and Economic Development, in order to stay within the maximum number of departments – 10 – allowed a city our size by state law.
Introduced by West Ward Councilman Zachary Chester, this move is to be applauded. By insulating TWW and Sewer from the rest of the city’s operations, the Water Works will be more resistant to layoffs and reductions of service that will impact customers and rate payers throughout Mercer County. The Water Works has its own budget and revenue stream, which contributes net income to the City’s main budget. It doesn’t make sense that the city’s overall financial woes should affect our other Mercer customers by reducing service levels, which will also have the effect of cutting the monies that TWW contributes to the City’s income. That’s just nuts.
So I am glad to read this morning’s story, and thank Mr. Chester for this initiative.
One little nit to pick with Mr. Fair’s reporting. He gives the impression that this is a new ordinance and a new initiative. In fact, this sure sounds identical to an ordinance, #11-08, that had been introduced to Council’s docket for its March 1 meeting, but tabled before debate. I wrote approvingly about the measure on February 26. It sure sounds the same, even down to the incorporation of Inspections into Housing and Economic Development.
I was disappointed that the measure was pulled last March. It made sense back then, as it makes sense now. So I am glad that Mr. Chester has chosen to sponsor the measure and bring it back. After he dusts it off for the September 1 meeting, I hope and expect that he and 4 of his colleagues will vote for it.
I also ask that you express your support to Council as well, and thank Councilman Chester for his sponsorship. We can’t afford to see it tabled – again – and delayed for another six months.
I like to thank all the Council members who voted for this ordinance. I did give a presentation to council on that night requesting that it be done. I look forward to its passage. The ordinance did sit for some time. However, I am happy that we have crossed the first hurdle. Again I like to commend all of those people that were instrumental in this ordinance up to this point. Kudos to them.